Ava Tiny Female Pup Charted to be 5 lbs
Bandit Parti Male Puppy Charts to be 5 lbs
Gizmo Male Parti T Cup
Oli, Male puppy Traditional Colors Charts to be 4 lbs grown
Sparkie Male Pup Charts to be 4 lbs. Tiny and compact, tons of thick black hair. he is a doll
Newborn Babies, we have 2 newborn litters. Part babies and Traditional pups! A quick look see at them. None are Spoken for yet.
Males $1800 Females $2000
Willow and Riley had new babies born on Augst 26th
This litter I have had the Tails left long
Savana and Riley are proud parents of 2 babies. they were born on Aug. 17th
One Parti boy and One Traditional girl
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